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Silent Night

Composer: Kevin Puts
Librettist: Mark Campbell
Company: Wolf Trap Opera Company

Performance Dates
Friday, August 09, 2024
Sunday, August 11, 2024 Matinee
Thursday, August 15, 2024 Matinee
Saturday, August 17, 2024


On the Christmas Eve of 1914, in the Western Front in France in World War I, the Scottish, the German and the French troops have a moment of truce and share moments of peace and friendship. When the soprano, Anna Sørensen, succeeds in convincing the Prussian Prince to join her tenor husband, Nikolaus Sprink, to sing for the German high command, Sprink brings her to the front to sing for his comrades in the trench. The Scottis Lieutenant Gordon and the French Lieutenant Audebert have an informal and unauthorized meeting with the German Lieutenant Horstmayer and negotiate a truce for that night, and the priest Palmer celebrate a mass for the soldiers. When their superiors become aware of the event, they have to pay for the consequences of their acts.

Click here for more detailed information on this North American work.

Wolf Trap Opera Company