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Find and Contact Your Elected Officials

Who are my elected officials at the city, state, and federal levels? How do I contact them?

These are common questions! The following are the official government search tools to find your elected officials’ websites, email addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers.


Find Your Elected Officials At All Levels of Government

Click the following link to find your elected officials: usa.gov/Elected-Officials


Find Federal Congressional Committees & Their Members

Click the following link for committee websites, member lists for each committee, the latest committee news, and more: congress.gov/Committees


Find Local and State Legislative Committees

There are websites for each political governing body that lists committees, advisory committees, and committee memberships. Search for your city, state, and county committees by entering in your internet search box: (level of government) and the words “legislative committees.” For example, search for “Virginia legislative committees” or “Brown County legislative committees.”


Other Ways to Contact Elected Officials

Federal Elected Officials

State Elected Officials

Local Elected Officials

OPERA America's advocacy guides were developed in 2024 by Amy Fitterer, consultant, with support from The Music Man Foundation. Download this advocacy guide as a PDF and view the full Advocacy Toolkit.