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Opera Teaching Artists Network

OPERA America offers an online community exclusively for opera teaching artists. The Opera Teaching Artists Network convenes monthly to support teaching artists in the opera field with:

  • Opportunities for connection and networking with teaching artists across the U.S. and Canada.
  • Resources on classroom management, lesson planning, curriculum development, culturally responsive instruction, and relationship-building with school administrators and educators.
  • Guidance on maintaining vocal health, achieving better work/life balance, and nurturing creativity and artistry.
  • A dedicated OPERA America staff member to facilitate the network's conversation and learning.


Get Involved

You can request to join the Opera Teaching Artists Network by completing the form below.

You must currently be or previously have been engaged as a teaching artist at an OPERA America Professional Company Member or other opera-related organization. Teaching artists with expertise in voice, dance, theater, visual arts, or other domains are welcome.

Choose all that apply.
If you selected "Other" above, please specify.
List any organizations or institutions for which you work or have worked as a teaching artist.

For additional information, contact us at Programs@operaamerica.org or 646.699.5239.