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Article Published: 01 Nov 2017

Grassroots Advocacy

Opera advocates can engage in grassroots advocacy through three simple yet powerful methods.

Peer-to-Peer Conversations

Raise awareness of the impact of the arts on individuals through informal peer-to-peer conversations. As part of the opera field, everyone around you should know and understand the impact of what you do and why it enriches your life. Try to have informal conversations with unlikely peers, such as your child’s teacher, a local business person or a neighbor.

Audiences as Ambassadors

Integrate advocacy into your organization’s communications. By just including an advocacy message in the development and marketing work you are already doing, you can arm your audiences with advocacy facts and tips. For instance, a “Did you know?” advocacy sentence at the end of your marketing material, on your website or as the signature to your office e-mail is a great way to spread the word on the power of the arts. Inspire your audiences to engage in peer-to-peer conversations, as well!

Singers as Advocates

Encourage singers and other staff in your opera organization to speak out and clearly communicate why opera matters. Both professional singers and singers in training alike may not realize the impact they can have if they speak effectively about the significance of the arts. Whether it’s during their training programs or even later in their careers, it’s never too late to engage singers as advocates.

Tips for Engaging Singers as Advocates

  • Share information with singers and administrative staff on how your organization impacts the community.
  • Organize advocacy workshops with singers and staff.
  • Invite singers to attend legislative meetings at the city, state, and federal levels.