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Video Published: 14 Jun 2019

2019 Robert L.B. Tobin Director-Designer Showcase: María de Buenos Aires

María — the central character in a tale of seduction, prostitution and sexual abuse, as told by the goblinstoryteller El Duende — is placed in a transparent box, representing the prison of the male gaze. Upon María’s death, the box breaks open and mirror panels split, revealing mirrors beyond mirrors. María begins to discover herself. But El Duende drags her back into the box and forces her to give birth to a daughter, who will become another María.

See a production presentation from one of the most promising young director-designer teams in the United States. The Robert L.B. Tobin Director-Designer Showcase is a biennial competition that identifies emerging director-designer teams, each of which has developed a production proposal from a diverse list of operas. Made possible by a generous grant from the Tobin Theatre Arts Fund.

Victoria Crutchfield, director
Bryce Cutler, scenic design
Nina Bova, costume design
Mary Ellen Stebbins, lighting design
Kevan Loney, video design