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Video Published: 01 Jun 2020

Making Change: Lead Presentation by Adrian Ellis

To thrive, opera companies must adapt business practices in response to cultural, economic and technological changes. But this can be challenging in an industry that is rooted in conserving the best traditions from the past. How can opera leaders learn to anticipate change? How can they overcome resistance to change from within and outside their organizations? How has the COVID-19 crisis accelerated the need to and ability to adapt? Learn from experts about creating personal and organizational readiness for the accelerating rate of change that lies ahead.


Adrian Ellis, Director, AEA Consulting


Conference Sponsors and Institutional Funders:

National Endowment for the Arts
Bank of America
Wallace Foundation
Fisher Dachs Associates
Music Publishers Association
Threshold Acoustics Act 1 Tours
Arts Consulting Group
Genovese Vanderhoof & Associates