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Video Published: 03 Jun 2020

Making Change: Panel Discussion

Recent occurrences of racial violence across the country call on all of us to focus on ways opera companies and the entire field can change to become more equitable. This conference session will focus on the dynamics of organizational change and how they can be applied to achieving racial justice in opera.


Timothy O’Leary, General Director, Washington National Opera; Board Chair, OPERA America (moderator)
Derrell Acon, Director of Engagement and Equity, Long Beach Opera
Aubrey Bergauer, Founding Executive Director of the Center for Innovative Leadership and Vice President of Strategic Communications, San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Annie Burridge, General Director and CEO, Austin Opera
Khori Dastoor, General Director, Opera San Jose
Adrian Ellis, Director, AEA Consulting
Quodesia Johnson, Education and Company Culture Manager, The Dallas Opera
Michael Mori, General Director, Tapestry Opera
Tomer Zvulun, General and Artistic Director, The Atlanta Opera
Tracy Wilson, Director of Community Engagement and Education, Cincinnati Opera

Conference Sponsors and Institutional Funders:

National Endowment for the Arts
Bank of America
Wallace Foundation
Fisher Dachs Associates
Music Publishers Association
Threshold Acoustics Act 1 Tours
Arts Consulting Group
Genovese Vanderhoof & Associates