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Video Published: 25 Jun 2020

Storytelling in the Time of Physical Distancing and Beyond

As audiences return to public gatherings to attend performances, the first step for many opera companies may be to present performances in an outdoor or alternate venue. This presents many challenges while considering guidelines for public gatherings and social distancing, many of which may have a direct impact on acoustics. How can opera companies present the highest-quality artistic product in these non-traditional spaces? How can the nature of the operatic voice and the concept of storytelling be preserved while presenting a product in a way that it was not designed for?

And thinking beyond the first stage of re-opening, once the return to our traditional performance spaces occurs, companies will continue to seek out new audiences through alternate venues that do not provide the acoustic support of the voice from the stage. This session will provide thought-provoking discussion, artistic and acoustic considerations, and technology guidance for maintaining the integrity of the product both in the near-term return to public gatherings, and beyond.


Robin Glosemeyer Petrone, Partner, Threshold Acoustics LLC
Bob Mahoney, Principal Acoustician, Robert F Mahoney & Associates
Scott D. Pfeiffer, FASA, Partner, Threshold Acoustics LLC

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