Opera Entrepreneurship Workshop: Social Media 101
In this session, OPERA America’s digital marketing manager, Marcel Sokalski, demonstrates the basics of using social media to boost your career. Learn about the various platforms and their unique strengths and how you can activate social media for promotion and brand awareness.

Marcel Sokalski, Digital Marketing Manager, OPERA America
Marcel Sokalski joined OPERA America as the Digital Marketing Manager in 2022. Completing his studies in opera he now blends his marketing expertise with a passion for the arts. Originally hailing from Southwestern Ontario, he currently lives in New York City for 6 years, with a year-long sojourn in Berlin somewhere in between. Marcel also contributes his skills as a social media manager for various arts-based companies, enhancing their online presence and artistic endeavors.
Social Media 101 Slides
This OPERA America Opera Entrepreneurship Workshop webinar took place on Thursday, September 28, 2023.