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Video Published: 18 Feb 2025

World Opera Forum 2024 Topic III: Becoming Engaged Cultural Citizens

Opera cannot thrive without a demonstrable connection to the social and political dynamics of the communities that are home to companies. In an age defined by war and migration, climate change, cultural and economic inequities, political polarization, and increasing diversity, the mission of opera must expand beyond the narrow purview of the arts.

With a shared, multi-national repertoire, every opera company will be enriched by its unique relationship to its place and the qualities that shape it. Opera’s inherent capacity to convene, communicate, educate, and bridge divides must be shared broadly to improve the lives and lift the spirits of people who may never enter the opera house in addition to those who enjoy the art form.

How can the demands of producing opera be integrated into a larger commitment to addressing varied and changing civic priorities? Can the aesthetics of public service be appreciated equally with the aesthetics of production and performance? Do expanded civic responsibilities require changes in organizational missions?

 Topic III: Becoming Engaged Cultural Citizens was originally presented at World Opera Forum in Los Angeles, CA, on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. and included the conversation recorded above, followed by breakout sessions which continued the conversation.

  • Jan Henric Bogen, Konzert und Theater St. Gallen (Switzerland)
  • Antonio Cuyler, University of Michigan (United States)
  • Khori Dastoor, Houston Grand Opera (United States)
  • Larry Desrochers, Manitoba Opera (Canada)
  • Gabriela Lena Frank, pianist and composer (United States)
  • Asad Lalljee, Royal Opera House of Mumbai (India)
  • Carmen Gloria Larenas, Teatro Municipal de Santiago (Chile)
  • Javier Menendez, Teatro de la Maestranza (Spain)
  • Barbara Minghetti, Teatro Sociale Como, Teatro Regio Parma (Italy)
  • Andrea Caruso Saturnino, Theatro Municipal de São Paulo (Brazil)
  • Sebastian Schwarz, Festival Della Valle D'Itria (Italy)
  • Facilitator: Susan Feder, former program officer, arts and culture, Mellon Foundation
  • Co-Facilitator: Christina Loewen, executive director, Association for Opera in Canada

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