Our project, a collaboration between mezzopiano and animator Emily Ellis, is an animated adaptation of Ravel’s song cycle Histoires Naturelles. Ravel set the songs as distinct narratives unified by a common theme. Our approach created further unity by establishing a common setting for the animals: a small farm. We thus used the cycle to explore how these creatures share their ecosystem. The film represents a continuation of Ravel’s impetus in setting it to music; interpreting the poetic images of Jules Renard in a new artistic form. Our goal to create a film that is accessible to a diverse public was achieved through our combination of mediums. Audiences who might otherwise be disengaged from classical music were compelled by the animation, while classical music fans saw merit in a new presentation of a classic work. The film was accepted into the 2023 Albuquerque Film and Music Experience, and we have presented the film for various classical music organizations in live performance.
About the Producers
Classical music duo mezzopiano (Máiri Demings and Zain Solinski) and filmmaker Emily Ellis bond over the wonderful and whimsical. Demings and Ellis met while studying at Acadia University and let Solinski join the friend group when he had the brilliant idea of collaborating on an animated feature. They all share a passion for music, film, and the art of not taking yourself too seriously.
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The Awards for Digital Excellence in Opera are supported by The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation.