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Article Published: 01 Apr 2020

Board Heroes


“An effective board is the backbone of a successful opera company,” says Marc A. Scorca, OA’s president and CEO. This simple truth is the impetus behind OA’s National Opera Trustee Recognition Award program, which, since 2007, has honored more than 60 opera company trustees for their exemplary leadership.

Each year, OA calls upon its Professional Company Members to nominate trustees for this award, and a panel of past award recipients then chooses the honorees. In recognition that good governance is vital at companies both large and small, the panel selects an honoree from each of OA’s five Budget Groups (groupings of opera companies based their annual budget sizes).

The recipients of this year’s National Opera Trustee Recognition Awards are:

Robert Ellis
San Francisco Opera
Budget 1 Honoree

H. Bernt von Ohlen
Minnesota Opera
Budget 2 Honoree

Linda Koehn
Des Moines Metro Opera
Budget 3 Honoree

Phil Meyer
Pacific Opera Project
Budget 4 Honoree

Chris and Anita Murray
Opera Las Vegas
Budget 5 Honoree

The National Opera Trustee Recognition Program is generously supported by Bank of America.

This article was published in the Spring 2020 issue of Opera America Magazine.