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Article Published: 02 Jul 2020

Voices from the Field: Angel Blue

Angel Blue
Angel Blue (photo: Sonya Garza)


Angel Blue used her enforced hiatus to produce an online talkshow series, Faithful Friday, interviewing guests like singers Christine Goerke, Thomas Hampson, Ailyn Pérez, and Golda Schultz, and actress Laverne Cox.

In college, I studied broadcast journalism as a minor. In 2012, I decided to get back into the field and bought $500 worth of equipment. My career in opera took off right after that, which made it hard to continue. I brought one of my cameras with me on a trip to Gibraltar in 2013, but I got stressed out trying to do two things — singing and journalism — at once.

The positive side of COVID-19 is that it has given me time to evaluate the past few years. I’ve used that experience for Faithful Friday. The journeys of actors and other singers inspire and motivate me.

I haven’t spent the past 10 years working to become an international opera singer just so that I can be depressed and despondent. Being idle is not an option for me. I’m doing a series of virtual recitals on Sundays and mentoring on Zoom a group of 30 young singers who are trying to finish their school year in this difficult time. I’m also gardening, because when everything is shut down, we need to start growing things!

This article was published in the Summer 2020 issue of Opera America Magazine.