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Cincinnati Opera offers a free “Opera in the Park” concert every summer. (photo: Philip Groshong)
Cincinnati Opera offers a free “Opera in the Park” concert every summer. (photo: Philip Groshong)
Article Published: 11 Jul 2023

The challenges — and advantages — of the summer festival business model

A typical American opera company mounts about two to four productions a year from fall to spring, large-scale affairs with hundreds of hours of rehearsing and designing and costuming. Now, imagine condensing all of that work and all of those performances into only a few weeks. Every year, America’s summer opera festivals do just that, packing multiple productions, educational offerings, fundraisers, and pretty much everything a year-round company does into only a month or two. They are whirlwind, thrilling affairs.

This article was published in the Summer 2023 issue of Opera America Magazine.

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