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Minnesota Opera’s 2022 Rinaldo, with Jeremiah Sanders, Symone Harcum, and Patrick Terry (photo: Dan Norman)
Minnesota Opera’s 2022 Rinaldo, with Jeremiah Sanders, Symone Harcum, and Patrick Terry (photo: Dan Norman)
Article Published: 08 Dec 2023

Can there be too much transparency at the board level?

The disruption of the pandemic gave rise to many challenges. Included among them is balancing the optimism that is required in opera with the transparency appropriate for good governance. Who is responsible for striking this balance and maintaining a steady and responsible flow of information between staff and trustees? To explore this question, OPERA America’s president and CEO, Marc A. Scorca, spoke with four executive trustees: Susanne Tetzlaff, an attorney and board chair at Austin Opera; Mark C. Gordon, a professor of law at Mitchell Hamline Law School and board chair at Minnesota Opera; Rose-Marie Klipstein, a community volunteer and board president at Finger Lakes Opera; and T. Brooks Proctor, an attorney and vice president of the board at Opera Birmingham.

This article was published in the Winter 2024 issue of Opera America Magazine.

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