Patron Opera Travel
OPERA America’s Patron Opera Travel offers trips around the world to see new and interesting productions in the company of fellow opera lovers.
The annual roster of travel opportunities includes long weekends of performances in North America and extended trips to international festivals. They provide opportunities to make new friends, renew acquaintances, and exchange ideas and passions with opera trustees and patrons from across the country.
The Patron Opera Travel program is offered as a benefit to OPERA America donors who make annual gifts of $500 or more.
Upcoming Travel Opportunities
WEEKEND TRAVEL (For donors of $500+)
National Trustee Week
New York City | March 4‒8, 2025
Join OPERA America for a weekend of activities in New York City including Fidelio and Moby-Dick at The Metropolitan Opera, Gypsy on Broadway, Ian Bostridge and Julius Drake at 92NY, and the celebratory OPERA America Salutes awards dinner.
WEEKEND TRAVEL (For donors of $500+)
Opera Conference Weekend
Memphis | May 20‒23, 2025
Join OPERA America for a variety of activities around the 2025 Opera Conference including outings and performances with Opera Memphis.
EXTENDED TRAVEL (For donors of $1,000+)
Across the Alps: Bregenz Festival, Innsbruck Festival of Early Music, and Arena di Verona Opera Festival
Bregenz, Innsbruck, and Verona | August 12‒23, 2025
OPERA America invites you on a tour across the Alps to see opera performed in three unique venues: on the floating stage of the Bregenz Festival, in the Alpine theater of the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music, and in the Roman amphitheater of the Arena di Verona Opera Festival.
For more information, contact us at or 646.699.5266.