DictionBuddy LLC
DictionBuddy's mission is to make the songs of the world more accessible to everyone by giving singers easier access to essential lyric diction training resources. Currently, the app cover opera, oratorio, and art songs in 9 different languages including Korean, Czech, Russian, Polish, Spanish, French, German, Italian, English, and Latin.
The library of audio tracks contains over 950 tracks read by native speakers in each respective language read at two speeds. Fast(Normal) and then slow. This helps make the learning process thorough and less intimidating. We also, include the texts, as well as transliterations, translations, and IPA(which are in progress).
You can download our App in either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
Subscriptions are available directly in the app or by subscribing on our website at www.dictionbuddy.com/subscribe
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Name | Title |
Kofi Hayford | Co-Founder, CEO |
Viktoriya Koreneva | Chief Finance & Technical Officer |
Emma Lavandier | Chief Operating Officer |
Position | Job Type | Posted |
Sorry, no jobs available at present. |