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Professional Company Member

Teatro Grattacielo

Our mission at Teatro Grattacielo is to promote the rich tradition of Italian style opera, revitalizing lesser-known works and supporting emerging singers. We strive to address the lack of exposure for hidden gems, introducing them to new audiences. Through artist advocacy programs and partnerships with established professionals and organizations, we provide invaluable opportunities for young artists to develop their craft. By fostering diversity, inclusivity, and cultivating new opera enthusiasts, we contribute to the growth and sustainability of the art form, aligning with the broader goals of the opera community..

Upcoming Events
Title Date & Time
Beyond the Horizon September 15, 2024, 4:00 PM
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Name Title
Stefanos Koroneos General & Artistic Director
Francesca Casaregola Major Gifts Officer
Omar Howards Junior Creative Director
Krystel Juvet Intern Artistic Administrator
Position Job Type Posted
Makeup Artist Full-Time 08/16/2024
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